Media Centre > Environment and Community

Siem Reap, 09 July 2016
Today, our pre opening team from Sokha Siem Reap Resort participated in a Tree Planting Event held with the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). Trees were planted around the resort to promote forest restoration, environmental education and community development.

We see today’s efforts can help the community and improve an environment for a better future. Our next green event celebration on Saturday at Tbeng village, Tbeng commune, Svay Leu district, Siem Reap! You are most welcome to join us.     Read more
  Reviewed on October 12, 2018

very good

This hotel is very good i love to stay there they the staff are friendly especailly Ms. Chhunny and Mr. pich who work in ofternoon they always say hello to me with a smile i really enjoy my teip ther and i hope to see them again
327035583   China    Tripadvisor
  Reviewed on October 11, 2018


很开心能来到柬埔寨暹粒省的酒店SOKHA PALACE 五星级酒店⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,这里的服务真是一级棒,服务生很有礼貌,很乐观,特别是Ms.Chhunny,Mr.Pich,Mr.Chivleang,Mr.dara,Ms.Theara.... See More
cheavmengcheav   Cambodia    Tripadvisor
  Reviewed on October 15, 2018


This hotel is very good HOTEL , big and clean and many good staff good service Especially Ms. chhunny Ms. sreyroth Mr. pich and Ms. Dalin they so friendly good work always smile with they happy face
laytaingleang   Cambodia    Tripadvisor
  Reviewed on November 24, 2018

Sokha Palace Siem Reap

Sokha Palace Siem Reap is the biggest hotel in Siem Reap town. It’s a good place and beautiful place also like a garden and a big parking. In this place have a lot of building and a lot of room for tourists international guest and Khmer guest... See More
anthony h    TripAdvisor
  Reviewed on October 05, 2018


goodgirl,goodhotel,goodrestaurant,bigswimingpoor,good service especially ms. Chhunny, Mr. bunrith friendly and helpful during I stay there I am really happy to sleep there and I really thanks you to other staff too
vivian19832018   China    Tripadvisor