
When you travel up to the Bokor Mountain, take a short stop at Kilometre No. 10 to capture the amazing view of a large face in rock. Regarded as the Guardian of the Forest, this huge face rock was the place to pray for a safe and prosperous journey by the hunters.

Did you know?

  • "Guardian of the Forest" greets you after 10 minute drive up on your left hand side.

You might be interested in its beautiful name and then you will be more surprised to see the real view of "Veal Sre Mouy Roy" or "100 Rice Fields". That is the rock fields which look like hundreds of paddy fields divided by hundreds of dikes. It is one of the ideal place to keep your fun posts in your camera.

Did you know?

  • It is located in 7 kilometres away from the resort and you can spot the place just from the main road.

500 Rice Fields is 17 kilometres from the Thansur Sokha Hotel and takes about 30 minutes by car to reach the site. The place has been hidden in the jungle for years and just open for public visit with the new constructed road.
Compare to 100 Rice Fields, the new explored 500 Rice Fields is filled more with wonders and untouched dense forest. You can spot many unique rocks, animal and furniture liked rocks scattered all over the area and Bokor icon, sroy tree, along the way to 500 Rice Fields. It is home of Nepenthes and many kinds of wild orchids, ferns, and hundred species of butterflies.
Walking through the little pathway deep into the jungle, the unparalleled mountain views will capture your sight and dig up your passion of peaceful exploration. You are invading the God's Place! The cloud is within your reach, the ground you are standing on is sparkling... you are here in the park of paradise where only God and Goddess can seek for a time of relaxation and amusement.

Did you know?

  • Compare to 100 Rice Fields, the new explored 500 Rice Fields is filled more with wonders and untouched dense forest. It takes a bit long walk by the small pathway deep into the jungle.
  • You can spot many unique rock formations, animal (turtle, crocodile...) and furniture (table, chair...) liked rocks when you reach the place.
  • The rock formations shapes and structured like temple hence called temple rock is amazing nature sculpturing view not-to-be-miss.
  • 500 Rice Fields is also home of Nepenthes and many kinds of wild orchids, ferns, and hundred species of butterflies.
  • Bokor iconic tree, Sroy Tree, are recommended for photography while regarded as the old tree with history.

Popokvil Waterfall is the two tiers waterfall means "swirling clouds" in Khmer. The best period to visit Popokvil waterfall is during rainy season (May to October) where the waterfall is at its most beautiful.

Did you know?

  • The first tier of Popokvil waterfall is around 15-metre high and the second tier is about 18m high.
  • Along small path by the waterfall, you can take a scenic walk to embrace Mother Nature and discover wild beautiful and unique plants.